This website support the retrospective BRON project of Ruudt Peters work



The aim is to create an interactive exhibition/book in which the participation of the visitor (by means of choosing films, activating QR codes, etc.) is important to convey and understand the story of the exhibited work. A significant part of the capsules / photos of the BRON book is accompanied by a QR code with which the visitor/ viewer can activate films, texts, music, drawings or references about the displayed piece using his mobile phone or tablet.


Collectors and wearers as well as curators and museum directors are asked to give their views on a particular work or a collection, which will be edited into short films. These films allow the visitor to form a vivid impression and gather background information about the jewellery, furthermore the visitor/ viewer is more involved in the exhibition/book because he/she has to activate the movies himself using the QR codes.




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